
281 Result(s)
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DPOC e Asma

DPOC e Asma

Key goals of COPD management are to limit symptoms, reduce the risk of exacerbations and support people to live more active lives.


Cerca de 425 milhões de pessoas adultas no mundo vivem com diabetes, com a diabetes Tipo 2 a representar 90 - 95% de todos os casos. Prevê-se que este número aumente para 629 milhões de pessoas até 2045.
Grass Roots

Grass Roots

Grass Roots Innovation: Championing the Next Generation of Life-Science Innovators
Inovação científica

Inovação científica

Fostering science via partnerships & collaborating is crucial for developing effective treatments which can transform patients lives. Find out more here.
Animais de produção

Animais de produção

Our livestock business encompasses the poultry, swine, ruminant segments and Veterinary Public Health to address the needs of livestock producers, livestock veterinarians, government officials and NGOs.


We provide vaccines, diagnostics, research services, technical expertise to ensure safe, affordable, abundant and sustainable quality poultry meat and eggs.


At Boehringer Ingelheim diversity of minds & collaboration is paramount to developing new medical breakthroughs. Click here see how you can partner with us.