Science Stories

Making new and better medicines for patients is at the heart of what we do. They inspire us in our mission to create breakthrough therapies that change lives and they inspire us to lead the science and never give up. Every day our scientists are inspired to start new journeys of discovery that could lead to the next breakthrough. Find out more about those journeys through their science stories.

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Our Four Pillars of Cancer Immunology Research

Find out more about the four cornerstones of our cancer immunology research approach.

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Science Stories

Taking KRAS Cancer On

Hear from Darryl McConnell, Research Site Head, Vienna, as he describes how we aim to drug all forms of KRAS
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Science Stories

The beginning of the end for KRAS cancers

Learn from Darryl McConnell, Research Site Head at Boehringer Ingelheim Regional Centre, Vienna, how he and his team are tackling the “beating heart of cancer”
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