
138 Result(s)
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Improving Access to Stroke Care

Improving Access to Stroke Care

Boehringer Ingelheim’s Angels Initiative is featured as a Best Practice example by the Access to Medicine Initiative. Click here to find out more.
Living Independence

Living Independence

Boehringer Ingelheim’s corporate culture is based on values that have been applied since the company was founded in 1885. Click here to learn more.


Shanghai serves as an important hub for all of the company’s three business areas: Human Pharma, Animal Health and Biopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing.
More Health Overview

More Health Overview

Working at the intersection of human and animal health, we have unique opportunities to positively impact vulnerable populations. Learn more.
COVID-19 General Q&A

COVID-19 General Q&A

Here we provide a list of questions and answers about COVID-19, including what it is, how it spreads, and more. Click here to find out more.
Life stages of cats

Life stages of cats

Owners are often unaware of the changing health of their cats as they age. Click here to learn more about cats' changing medical needs as they age.
Our core product areas

Our core product areas

Click here to find out about our core product areas for companion animals. These core product areas are parasiticides, vaccines, and pharmaceuticals.
COVID-19 Q&A for Patients

COVID-19 Q&A for Patients

Corona and COVID-19 can lead to many questions. We want to answer a few of them, provide some general information and give some recommendations.
COVID-19 Volunteering in the U.S.

COVID-19 Volunteering in the U.S.

BI employees across the U.S. are out in their communities making a difference to help improve the lives of those who have been impacted by the coronavirus.


12 years ago, several leading German companies including Boehringer Ingelheim came together to launch Afrika Kommt! Learn more about it here.
pet care digital age

pet care digital age

Pets can be family members, trusted companions – and they are also part of a large global industry. Learn more about pet care in the digital age here.
Improving Access to Healthcare

Improving Access to Healthcare

According to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, almost half of the global population is not covered by essential health services. Find out more.
COVID-19 Q&A for people with diabetes

COVID-19 Q&A for people with diabetes

Here you can find a summary of COVID-19 advice for patients with diabetes. Click here to read the questions and answers to find out more information.
Our Approach

Our Approach

As a family-owned company, we are driven by the ambition to serve humankind by improving human and animal health. Find out more about our approach here.
cat dog flea allergy dermatitis

cat dog flea allergy dermatitis

Find out how you can identify and treat flea allergy dermatitis, one of the most common illnesses associated with a flea infestation. Learn more here.
Our Contribution

Our Contribution

Humanity is facing serious challenges. We believe we can always do more – for ourselves and for the generations to come. Click here to find out more.
Women in STEM 2022

Women in STEM 2022

Meet three of Boehringer Ingelheim's female scientists and learn why and how women are making a difference in STEM. Click here to find out more.
Conversations Beyond Type 2 Diabetes

Conversations Beyond Type 2 Diabetes

Anne and Franc, who are living with type 2 diabetes, explore what it means to live with their condition and its associated comorbidities. Find out more.