
128 Result(s)
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Collaboration to fight NCDs

Collaboration to fight NCDs

70 percent of global deaths are attributable to NCDs and severely impacting on people in low- and middle-income countries. Help is desperately needed.
Innovation Needs Transparency

Innovation Needs Transparency

At Boehringer Ingelheim, we prioritise the establishment and maintenance of public trust. Transparency is therefore a key pillar of our corporate culture.
COVID-19 Boehringer Ingelheim Clinical Trials

COVID-19 Boehringer Ingelheim Clinical Trials

We are doing everything we can to limit the impact COVID-19 could have on our clinical trial programs. Click here to find out and learn more.
More Health Overview

More Health Overview

Working at the intersection of human and animal health, we have unique opportunities to positively impact vulnerable populations. Learn more.
Partnering for innovation and growth

Partnering for innovation and growth

In this interview Dr Frerich de Vries talks about why partnerships are one of the key areas of interest for Boehringer Ingelheim and more. Learn more.
Our Commitment

Our Commitment

We want to create value in areas of unmet medical need and engage with communities and society to improve lives – for humans and animals. Find out more.
COVID-19 Joining forces against COVID-19

COVID-19 Joining forces against COVID-19

While the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic are massive, so are the good examples of corporate citizenship arising all over the world. Learn more.
COVID-19 Volunteering in India

COVID-19 Volunteering in India

Learn about our employees in India volunteering during COVID-19, including Rashmi Suvarna, Head of Procurement at Boehringer Ingelheim India.
International Women's Day

International Women's Day

We celebrate International Women’s Day with this year’s UN Women motto being “Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow”. Find out more here.
NexGard Spectra launched in China

NexGard Spectra launched in China

Early August 2018, NexGard Spectra (afoxolaner and milbemycin oxime), the first oral endectocide for dogs, was launched in China. Click here to learn more.
Say no to the uninvited guests

Say no to the uninvited guests

Boehringer Ingelheim aims to raise awareness of the issues & risks that parasites can have on cats. Click here to find out more information.
COVID-19 Learning from the pandemic

COVID-19 Learning from the pandemic

Online training options develop vets and other animal health professionals’ skills helping them overcome movement restrictions to thrive around the globe.
COVID-19 and Mental Health

COVID-19 and Mental Health

COVID-19 affects our social lives as well as our mental health. Click here to read suggestions for looking after your mental health during the pandemic.
Different life stages dogs preventive health

Different life stages dogs preventive health

As a dog owner you know that dogs are special, but what does your dog need to thrive at every age? Click here to find out and get some tips!
Marek's Disease Poultry Chicken

Marek's Disease Poultry Chicken

Five things you need to know to keep poultry free from outcomes of one of the most common virus affecting the animals’ immune systems. Learn more here.
COVID-19 General Q&A

COVID-19 General Q&A

Here we provide a list of questions and answers about COVID-19, including what it is, how it spreads, and more. Click here to find out more.
Resizing our Carbon Footprint

Resizing our Carbon Footprint

The ecological balance of the world is at a tipping point. Thus, we step up the initiative “Carbon Footprint”. Click here to find out more information.
Life stages of cats

Life stages of cats

Owners are often unaware of the changing health of their cats as they age. Click here to learn more about cats' changing medical needs as they age.
COVID-19 Volunteering in Wuhan China

COVID-19 Volunteering in Wuhan China

Boehringer Ingelheim is striving to support community residents and the Wuhan community during this epidemic. Click here to find out and learn more.