
171 Result(s)
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Patient voices Ulrichs story

Patient voices Ulrichs story

‘Telling My Story’ is a video series featuring stories from patients from across the world with AF, DVT and PE. Click here to hear Ulrich's story.
Patient voices Eves story

Patient voices Eves story

‘Telling My Story’ is a video series featuring stories from patients from across the world with AF, DVT and PE. Click here to hear Eve's story.
Patient voices Augustos story

Patient voices Augustos story

Hear from patients and families on how atrial fibrillation (AF), deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) have affected their lives.
Stem cells a new frontier

Stem cells a new frontier

Stem cells may be a game changer for the development of new veterinary treatments. Click here to read this story and find out more information.


We are proud to play a critical role in feeding the world with safe, affordable, abundant and sustainable quality poultry meat and eggs. Learn more here.
Obesity osteoarthritis in pets a blind spot

Obesity osteoarthritis in pets a blind spot

Body weight is just one indicator among many when it comes to a pet’s health status, but there are some diseases associated with it. Learn more here.
Harold Heart and Dorothy Diabetes

Harold Heart and Dorothy Diabetes

People with type 2 diabetes are up to four times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than people without diabetes. Click here to learn more.
Accountability, Agility, Intrapreneurship

Accountability, Agility, Intrapreneurship

At Boehringer Ingelheim we work together with accountability, agility, and intrapreneurship. Click here to read about what this means for us here.
Spotlight on poultry chicken trends
What’s going on in regional poultry markets around the globe? We asked some of our customers! Click here to find out what they had to say and more.
COVID-19 Q&A for people with diabetes

COVID-19 Q&A for people with diabetes

Here you can find a summary of COVID-19 advice for patients with diabetes. Click here to read the questions and answers to find out more information.
Professor Baumgart

Professor Baumgart

After being diagnosed with diabetes, Eric’s unique bonds with Peetey and Jake meant they could run miles across the Idaho wilderness. Learn more here.
cat dog flea allergy dermatitis

cat dog flea allergy dermatitis

Find out how you can identify and treat flea allergy dermatitis, one of the most common illnesses associated with a flea infestation. Learn more here.
Production Insights

Production Insights

Boehringer Ingelheim makes an important contribution to the reliable and sustainable supply of pharmaceuticals. Click here to learn and find out more.


12 years ago, several leading German companies including Boehringer Ingelheim came together to launch Afrika Kommt! Learn more about it here.
COVID-19 Volunteering in Wuhan China

COVID-19 Volunteering in Wuhan China

Boehringer Ingelheim is striving to support community residents and the Wuhan community during this epidemic. Click here to find out and learn more.


Following the death of Albert Boehringer (1861-1939), his two sons and his son-in-law Julius Liebrecht took over this family company. Learn more.
One step further in fighting rabies in Vietnam

One step further in fighting rabies in Vietnam

A expedition team set off to the Duc Hue District. The purpose? To vaccinate the entire dog and cat population of several villages. Find out more.ral villages.
Heart Failure

Heart Failure

Heart failure refers to the inability of the heart to pump sufficient blood through the body. Click here to find out more about heart failure.
COVID-19 Learning from the pandemic

COVID-19 Learning from the pandemic

Online training options develop vets and other animal health professionals’ skills helping them overcome movement restrictions to thrive around the globe.
Patient Centricity

Patient Centricity

At Boehringer Ingelheim, we put patients first in everything we do. Click here to learn more about patient centricity at Boehringer Ingelheim.
Cat vaccination 10 things you should know

Cat vaccination 10 things you should know

We’ve answered 10 important questions about cat vaccination, to help you make informed decisions about preserving your cat’s health. Read more here.
Patient Safety

Patient Safety

Patient Safety@ Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmacovigilance