
263 Result(s)
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Innovation Needs Transparency

Innovation Needs Transparency

At Boehringer Ingelheim, we prioritise the establishment and maintenance of public trust. Transparency is therefore a key pillar of our corporate culture.
Living Independence

Living Independence

Boehringer Ingelheim’s corporate culture is based on values that have been applied since the company was founded in 1885. Click here to learn more.
Thelaziosis dog eyeworms

Thelaziosis dog eyeworms

Most pet owners probably do not associate the scientific name “thelaziosis” to eyeworm infestations experienced by their dogs. Click here to learn more.
Guardians for health

Guardians for health

A global initiative to reduce mortality, cardiovascular and kidney complications in type 2 diabetes through adherence to clinical guidelines. Learn more.
Improving Access to Healthcare

Improving Access to Healthcare

According to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, almost half of the global population is not covered by essential health services. Find out more.
How pets made the pandemic bearable?

How pets made the pandemic bearable?

Lockdown wasn’t easy but having us work from home was certainly delightful for our pets. Learn some insights from the APPA COVID-19 Pulse Study.
Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation

Click here to learn more information about Boehringer Ingelheim's innovative work in protecting patients with an irregular heart beat from a stroke.
COVID-19: EFPIA Industry Information

COVID-19: EFPIA Industry Information

The EFPIA and its member companies and associations are committed to the global fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Click here to learn more.
It’s Your Heart. Protect It. The Podcast.

It’s Your Heart. Protect It. The Podcast.

In season 2, we hear from a range of experts to explore further how the interconnected systems call for collaboration and approach to care. Learn more.
History of Cats

History of Cats

Since the beginning of human civilisation, cats have been companions to people. Click here to learn more about the history of cats with humans.
Different life stages dogs preventive health

Different life stages dogs preventive health

As a dog owner you know that dogs are special, but what does your dog need to thrive at every age? Click here to find out and get some tips!
Patient Documentary

Patient Documentary

People with type 2 diabetes are two to four times more likely to develop heart disease compared with people without diabetes


Boehringer Ingelheim has built a new special machine that enables efficient and sustainable packaging of small batches. Learn more about this here.


About 425 million adult people in the world are living with diabetes, with Type 2 diabetes accounting for 90 – 95 percent of all cases. Learn more here.
COVID-19 Making More Health support program

COVID-19 Making More Health support program

Find out what our communities, local partners and social entrepreneurs in the Making More Health network do. Click here to find out and learn more.
Transboundary and emerging diseases

Transboundary and emerging diseases

We fight TEDs through cutting-edge technologies. Click here to find out how our colleagues in Global Innovation and VPH prepare for outbreaks.
Bees and biodiversity

Bees and biodiversity

At Boehringer Ingelheim we attach great importance to sustainable planting on our company site – and to protecting the bees. Click here to find out more.
Understanding the language of dogs

Understanding the language of dogs

Dogs are our best friends - however, communicating with them is not always easy. Let’s bust a few myths about dogs and how we can interact with them.
Solidarity with Ukraine

Solidarity with Ukraine

Our company condemns the military aggression against Ukraine and is committed to helping those in need in the longer term. Click here to learn more.
My.Making More Health Website

My.Making More Health Website

My.Making More Health, our platform for disadvantaged communities goes live, providing materials on health prevention for all. Click here to learn more.
We are independent, family-owned

We are independent, family-owned

At Boehringer Ingelheim we are independent, family-owned and intend to remain so. Click here to discover how we live our Leitbild and learn more.
Patient Organizations

Patient Organizations

Boehringer Ingelheim’s core principles and vision guide our work with patient organisations. Learn about how we collaborate with patient organisations.