
259 Result(s)
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More Health Overview

More Health Overview

Working at the intersection of human and animal health, we have unique opportunities to positively impact vulnerable populations. Learn more.
The Angels Initiative

The Angels Initiative

The Angels Initiative is a unique healthcare initiative to improve acute care for people who have just suffered a stroke. Click here to learn more.
Stroke Prevention in AF

Stroke Prevention in AF

Click here for more information on Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation
NexGard Spectra launched in China

NexGard Spectra launched in China

Early August 2018, NexGard Spectra (afoxolaner and milbemycin oxime), the first oral endectocide for dogs, was launched in China. Click here to learn more.
Marek's Disease Poultry Chicken

Marek's Disease Poultry Chicken

Five things you need to know to keep poultry free from outcomes of one of the most common virus affecting the animals’ immune systems. Learn more here.
Back to life

Back to life

Anna Higgs had a severe stroke at the age of 24. For years she has been struggling with the consequences. Click here to learn more about her story.
COVID-19 Mexico - The value of teamwork

COVID-19 Mexico - The value of teamwork

During the pandemic, Fabiola Villegas, contributed with creativity and ingenuity from her region in Uruapan, Michoacán, Mexico. Click here to learn more.