
225 Result(s)
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3 scopes for sustainability Saint Vulbas France

3 scopes for sustainability Saint Vulbas France

Click here to find out how Boehringer Ingelheim is working to improve the sustainability and biodiversity of the research site at Saint-Vulbas in France.
In France, it’s time to be(e)

In France, it’s time to be(e)

How about producing honey and contributing to environmental sustainability during your work hours? Click here to read more about this story.
Our Ambition 2025

Our Ambition 2025

Boehringer Ingelheim’s commitment to serve humankind can be met if we are the preferred partner and admired competitor in three areas. Learn more here.
The Core of our Leitbild

The Core of our Leitbild

Click here to find out about the core of our leitbild. Here you can find out information about who we are and what we strive for at Boehringer Ingelheim.
garbage game

garbage game

Learn more about marine pollution and find out how long it takes for garbage to dissolve in the oceans.
Women in STEM 2022

Women in STEM 2022

Meet three of Boehringer Ingelheim's female scientists and learn why and how women are making a difference in STEM. Click here to find out more.
Collaborating with RDA in the UK

Collaborating with RDA in the UK

The Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) provides therapy, achievement and enjoyment to people with disabilities all over the UK. Learn more here.
Protecting our pets from parasites

Protecting our pets from parasites

​If you think that keeping your pets indoors will keep them safe from parasites, think again! Learn more about protecting your pets from parasites.
COVID-19 Once a nurse always a nurse

COVID-19 Once a nurse always a nurse

Colleagues Anne Hunstad and Maarten van Helvoirt, both educated nurses, support the health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more.
COVID-19: EFPIA Industry Information

COVID-19: EFPIA Industry Information

The EFPIA and its member companies and associations are committed to the global fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Click here to learn more.
cat dog flea allergy dermatitis

cat dog flea allergy dermatitis

Find out how you can identify and treat flea allergy dermatitis, one of the most common illnesses associated with a flea infestation. Learn more here.
Ethical Business Practices

Ethical Business Practices

Suppliers shall conduct their business in an ethical manner and act with integrity. Click here to read the supplier code of conduct and learn more.
Bees and biodiversity

Bees and biodiversity

At Boehringer Ingelheim we attach great importance to sustainable planting on our company site – and to protecting the bees. Click here to find out more.
COVID-19 PetPro Connect

COVID-19 PetPro Connect

Our PetPro Connect platform connects veterinarians and pet owners and makes it easy to deliver the collaborative pet care experience pet owners seek.
Introducing Karl and Klara Kidney

Introducing Karl and Klara Kidney

Kidney disease and type 2 diabetes are closely linked, and share many of the same risk factors and pathological pathways. Click here to find out more.