Mental Health and the Value of Connection

Yammie and Jurgen share their story of friendship, and how much they value connection as people living with mental health conditions.

Yammie and Jurgen first met at a training course and their friendship blossomed instantly through talking about their shared passions and having the same sense of humor. Jurgen lives with major depressive disorder, and Yammie with schizo-affective disorder. 

Watch below to learn about their wonderful story of friendship, and how much they value the feelings of connection and support that come with this. They explain how supporting someone living with a mental health condition does not always mean coming up with practical solutions, and can instead be achieved by just being there, listening and talking. 

At Boehringer Ingelheim Mental Health, our mission is to evolve mental health through precision psychiatry to enable people to thrive. Through innovative approaches and digital therapeutics, we believe we can help people living with mental health conditions to connect to their lives, loved ones and society.

Disclaimer: This video is based on the real-life perspectives of two people from Belgium living with mental health conditions.


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