Big Little Things: In cancer, the small things make a big impact  

Little things can be a big deal when you are living with or treating cancer. Sometimes the small things are the most powerful.  

Big Little Things is the embodiment of the fact that no health – and especially cancer – journey is straightforward. You have to be prepared for the unexpected and find joy in even the seemingly small moments that can become the most monumental.   

Big Little Things is what you hold on to when times are tough; those moments where we realise it’s often the little things that mean the most. For some, it might be abstract, for others, incredibly tangible: a good prognosis, a favorite song, or hearing that a patient is going to their dream concert. 

We want to celebrate these Big Little Things with the aspiration that, by sharing these personal mementos and stories, we will help others reflect on their own journeys and bring the community even closer.  

Little things can feel big when you are living with cancer. We want to help people experience more.  

Disclaimer: Individual experiences may vary.


Sharing the Big Little Things dear to people within the cancer community:

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