Multidisciplinary care reduces hospitalizations for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients

Multidisciplinary care reduces hospitalizations for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients

A unique multi-disciplinary approach to optimizing the health of COPD patients in Quebec is yielding impressive results at the five-year mark, including a reduction of more than 100 hospitalizations and 100 emergency room visits, and an estimated savings of more than $1 million for the local services network (LSN), which serves a population of 70,000.

Since 2018, La Pommeraie’s Collaborative COPD Strategy, with the help of the Patient Access and Healthcare Solutions division at Boehringer Ingelheim Canada, has focused on optimizing the health of COPD patients and reducing hospitalizations in the La Pommeraie LSN by improving communication and collaboration between primary care settings, hospitals and the entire CIUSSS de l'Estrie – CHUS using evidence-based solutions.

The strategy has succeeded by putting the patient at its very heart, helping them to better understand their disease – and increasing satisfaction in their treatment by reducing the number and length of hospital stays. Additionally, the strategy has focused on helping patients maintain their autonomy through education and the promotion of various local support programs, including COPD telecare.

Ultimately, this initiative has improved the efficiency of the local health care network by enabling patients to be referred to the right professional at the right time, and thereby reducing the burden on walk-in, emergency and second-line services.

The collaboration is an example of how delivering innovative solutions to patients can help promote health outcomes and bring sustainable and transformative change to improve the healthcare system for everyone. To learn more, please contact the project lead.