Digital technology helps patients with complex needs

Digital technology helps patients with complex needs

A unique research initiative aimed at enhancing care for people living with heart failure and other complex conditions such as diabetes, is leveraging the support of Montreal’s leading innovation professionals to find advanced technological solutions.

The collaborative project, called CONTINUUM, seeks to explore how digital technology can help healthcare professionals manage complex patient cases at home, potentially reducing costly hospital admissions. An important goal is to empower patients in their own care, by providing them with tools and technology to support their needs, while continuing to align treatment with published guidelines for the management of the conditions.

The project was developed by Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM), in partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim Canada; Greybox Solutions Inc., a Montreal– based innovative business dedicated to providing digital solutions to improve people’s lives; and MEDTEQ+, a pan-Canadian consortium funded by Quebec’s Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation and designed to fast-track development in tandem with innovative health technology.

The first pilot phase of CONTINUUM was launched at the CHUM and the team is hoping to extend it to other hospitals across Quebec. According to preliminary results, the project has already helped people living with heart failure in the outpatient setting achieve a significant reduction in the number of emergency room visits and/or hospitalizations and demonstrated a 23% reduction in healthcare costs. The collaboration is an example of how innovative digital solutions have the power to drive better patient outcomes, and bring transformative and sustainable change to the healthcare system. Learn more about the partnership.