Clinical Studies

Clinical trials are an important and central component of pharmaceutical research, as they are the only way to prove the efficacy and safety of a drug. As a rule, it takes six to nine years for a drug to go through the three study phases required for approval. To ensure full representation of important ethical and cultural influencing factors, Boehringer Ingelheim initiates and sponsors clinical trials in more than 60 countries. The protection and health of the participating subjects is a top priority. Our global team, which is responsible for the conduct and monitoring of clinical trials, maintains a close and continuous exchange with our study-initiating physicians. The valuable input we receive from them is incorporated into further study activities. Depending on the indication, up to 50 clinical studies with up to 20,000 patients are required for drug approval.



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Boehringer Ingelheim Clinical trials
Clinical Studies

Making a difference in clinical trials: The impact of engagement

There’s more to a disease than we see. That’s why our clinical trials are designed and conducted in partnership with patients, caregivers and trial site staff. Our goal is to provide the best possible trial experience for all.
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