Speak Up – Compliance Hotline

Boehringer Ingelheim is committed to conducting business with integrity and comply with applicable laws and regulations. This commitment is supported by the Core of our Leitbild and our Code of Conduct.

Speak Up - Compliance hotline

As an innovation-driven pharmaceutical company, we understand that mistakes can lead to new experiences, insights, and knowledge. However, if you become aware of an action or behavior which is not in line with our commitment, such as a potential violation of laws, regulations, or our Code of Conduct, we encourage you to Speak Up and report this to us.

The Speak Up portal can be used to report any potential violations, such as:   

  • Anti-competitive practices
  • Breach of Data Privacy laws
  • Bribery and corruption
  • Conflict of interest
  • Discrimination
  • Fraud
  • Harassment
  • Human rights and environmental-related risks and violations 
  • Improper export and trade transactions
  • Inappropriate transactions with customers and stakeholders 
  • Insider trading
  • Violations of our Code of Conduct

The Speak Up portal is open to any person worldwide. Reports can be submitted at any time via an internet-based system secured by a specialized vendor. The Speak Up portal offers the option to submit your report anonymously and to communicate with us without disclosing your identity. We take any reports of potential violations that are identified or brought to our attention seriously.

Your involvement helps make Boehringer Ingelheim even better – with integrity and passion.

Rules of procedure for the Boehringer Ingelheim grievance mechanism in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

Reports of human rights and environmental risks as well as potential violations are governed by the rules of procedure for the Boehringer Ingelheim grievance mechanism in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act: Rules of procedure PDF download